[Gusy, Christoph]
9783161553431 EUR34.0
Mohr Siebeck Publisher 2018-08-01 Paperback
Constitutional law and political science/ history of law
[Cancik-kirschbaum, Eva / Kahl, Jochem. Unter Mitarbeit V. Klaus Wagensonner]
9783161554254 EUR29.0
Mohr Siebeck Publisher Paperback
Studies of ancient egypt/ old testament/ antiquity/ ancient near east studies
[Thiele, Alexander]
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Mohr Siebeck Publisher 2018-02-27 Paperback
Constitutional law and political science/ international public law/ european law
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Mohr Siebeck Publisher Hardback
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Mohr Siebeck Publisher 2018-06-08 Hardback
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[Zagajewski, Adam. Ed. By Jürgen Kampmann. Übers. V. Jessica Van 't Westeinde]
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Mohr Siebeck Publisher 2018-05-07 Hardback
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Mohr Siebeck Publisher 2018-06-07 Paperback
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Mohr Siebeck Publisher 2018-05-18 Paperback
Civil law/ european law/ commerce law/ corporate law/ business law/ tax law/ foreign law/ comparative law
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Mohr Siebeck Publisher 2018-06-13 Paperback
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