[Küper, Wilfried. Ed. By Michael Hettinger U. Jan Zopfs]
9783161551246 EUR149.0
Mohr Siebeck Publisher Hardback
General criminal law/ philosophy of law/ history of law
9783161549960 EUR89.0
Mohr Siebeck Publisher 2017-01-19 Hardback
History of law/ legal theory/ roman law
[Spener, Philipp Jakob. Ed. By Udo Sträter U. Johannes Wallmann In Zusammenarbeit Mit Klaus Vom Orde]
9783161550034 EUR199.0
Early modern history/ church history
[Danwerth, Christopher]
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Mohr Siebeck Publisher 2017-02-27 Hardback
Civil law/ commerce law/ corporate law/ business law/ tax law
[Schack, Haimo]
9783161550379 EUR79.0
International private law/ foreign law/ comparative law
[Berner, Felix]
9783161557279 EUR84.0
International private law/ foreign law/ comparative law/ history of law/ foreign law/ comparative law
[Aust, Helmut Philipp]
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Mohr Siebeck Publisher 2017-02-21 Hardback
Constitutional law and political science/ administrative law/ international public law/ european law
[Stettler, Christian]
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Mohr Siebeck Publisher 2017-02-17 Hardback
New testament
[Schmitt, Florian]
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Mohr Siebeck Publisher 2017-02-20 Hardback
Law of civil procedure/ insolvency law/ civil law/ commerce law/ corporate law/ business law/ tax law
[Kater, Johannes]
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Mohr Siebeck Publisher 2017-01-16 Hardback
Commerce law/ corporate law/ business law/ tax law/ constitutional law and political science/ international public law/ european law
[Bohnert, Daniel Wolfgang]
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Church history/ early modern history
[Lackermair, Markus]
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Church history/ canon law/ church order/ middle ages
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9783161517181 EUR124.0
Church history/ political science
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