  • Punctuated Insularity


    [Gary Webster, Maud Webster]


    9781407316192  GBP47.0

    Bar Publishing   2017-10-31   Paperback

    Agriculture / farming / husbandry / land/use / irrigation/archaeobotany / environment and climate/archaeometry / scientific dating/archaeozoology / bioarchaeology / osteoarchaeology/architecture / domestic and urban buildings and space / urbanism/art / sculpture / gems / seals/ceramics and pottery studies/craft working (general titles/ bone/ glass/ textiles/ etc.)/death / burial / cemeteries / tombs/dress / jewellery / personal ornament/excavation / fieldwork / survey/food and drink / diet/lithics / stone tools/metal objects/metallurgy / mining/ritual / religion / temples/rock/art / semiotics/

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