- 中图分类 :H09
- 语种:ENG
- 出版信息:Cambridge University Press 2019.11.28
- 装帧:精装 GBP110.0
- I S B N:9781108499804
- 平装信息:9781108731621
- E-BOOK:9781108758703
- 数量:
Phraseology and the Advanced Language Learner
Svetlana Vetchinnikova, University of Helsinki
9781108499804| Hardback |USD 110
38pp 6 b/w illus. 38 tables 2019/11
• A novel perspective on phraseological patterning in second language processing and use.
• A synthesis of research on second language processing and use of multi-word units.
• An interdisciplinary approach engaging with a number of fields in linguistics.
1. Introduction; 2. From a unit of meaning to a meaning-shift unit; 3. L2 use and processing of multi-word units; 4. Triangulating usage, exposure and processing; 5. Meaning-shift units in L2 learning and use: Usage vs. exposure; 6. Meaning-shift units in L2 processing: Usage vs. word association responses; 7. Toward the bigger picture.
学术水平:academic researchers, graduate students
读者群:applied linguistics, second language acquisition, vocabulary, corpus linguistics, psycholinguistics