国际投资仲裁庭是20世纪国际程序法的最大成就之一Christoph Schreuer是解决投资争端国际中心调解员和仲裁员小组成员。在ICSID和贸易法委员会担任仲裁员,著有大量投资仲裁专著。他的ICSID公约平主办已经成为众多仲裁庭所依赖的权威工具图书。全新第三版包括大量新的仲裁时间和修订内容。这本工具书是国际仲裁法律学者和实践者不可或缺的工具书。
1. International centre for settlement of investment disputes;
2. Jurisdiction of the centre;
3. Conciliation;
4. Arbitration;
5. Replacement and disqualification of conciliators and arbitrators;
6. Cost of proceedings;
7. Place of proceedings;
8. Disputes between contracting states;
9. Amendment;
10. Final provisions.
学术水平:academic researchers, legal practitioners, graduate students
读者对象:international investment law, ICSID dispute settlement, international trade